09h00 - 09h30 Thomas Ballenthin, Boris Dreyer, Simon Wegener, Alexander Weiss Ongoing work: Hardware Support for Histogram-based Performance Analysis
09h30 - 10h00 Clemens Grelck, Sebastian Altmeyer EU-ICT COST Action Plans on Resource Aware Computing: Introduction and Brainstorming
11h00 - 11h45 Jeremie Salvucci and Emmanuel Chailloux Paper: Memory consumption analysis for a functional and imperative language
11h45 - 12h30 John Magnus Morton, Patrick Maier, Phil Trinder Paper: JIT-Based Cost Analysis for Dynamic Program Transformations
14h00 - 15h00 Christoph Bockisch Keynote: Energy-Awareness in Software Engineering


Energy consumption is of growing concern for society and in particular also for IT systems. The reasons for this are manifold: energy costs increasingly determine the costs of IT solutions, energy consumption potentially pollutes the environment, and the availability of mobile devices is mainly determined by their battery-life time. Smart IT already attempts to reduce the energy consumption by cleverly controlling energy-intensive machines, but also the operation of software-intensive systems themselves can have a significant energy footprint. While energy efficiency as a quality criterion is gaining attention, software engineers nowadays do not have sufficient tools at their disposal to make it a first-class concern during software design and development. An important research question therefore is: how can we support developers in designing and developing energy-aware software?

Short Bio

Christoph Bockisch is a full professor for practical computer science at the University of Marburg, Germany. He received his doctoral degree in 2008 from the University of Darmstadt, Germany for his work on performance optimizations for advanced modularity constructs. In between he has been assistant professor at the University of Twente and the Open University, the Netherlands where he developed his current research line: software development tools, program analysis and software engineering methods, with a focal point on software engineering for energy efficiency. Christoph supervised the Dutch national project ``Energy Optimization Framework for Embedded Systems'', which won a couple of student research prices. He is co-founder of the workshop series ``Green in and by Software Engineering'' and reviewer of journals, conferences and workshops in the field of green IT, such as ``Software Engineering for Sustainable Systems'' or ``Sustainability in Software Product Lines''.

16h00 - 16h30 Clemens Grelck, Sebastian Altmeyer EU-ICT COST Action Plans on Resource Aware Computing: Discussion and Directions