This page collects all the work done on the subject of software energy-consumption analysis at Radboud University Nijmegen. For a collection of all our work on resource analysis see
Our energy consumption analysis is implemented in a tool called ECAlogic. Try it through the web-interface or get the command-line version and/or Scala sources from GitHub.
- ECAlogic: Hardware-Parametric Energy-Consumption Analysis of Algorithms
Marc Schoolderman, Jascha Neutelings, Rody Kersten and Marko van Eekelen
In Proceedings of the 13th Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages Workshop, pages 19-22, 2014.
- A Hoare Logic for Energy Consumption Analysis
Rody Kersten, Paolo Parisen Toldin, Bernard van Gastel and Marko van Eekelen
In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis (FOPARA'13), LNCS 8552, pages 93-109, 2014.
Technical reports
- Soundness Proof for a Hoare Logic for Energy Consumption Analysis
Paolo Parisen Toldin, Rody Kersten, Bernard van Gastel, and Marko van Eekelen
Technical report ICIS--R13009, Radboud University Nijmegen, October 2013.